Ora*Cappella Italian Pronunciation Guide:

No dipthongs please - one vowel, one clean sound. So if I say "day" below it's not a two-syllable word like most Americans would pronounce it: "deh-ee" but rather "deh" without the "ee".

Matona, mia cara

First verse:
follere = fall - leh - reh
canzon = Kahn - sone
sotto = sought - toe
finestra = fee - ness - trah
Lantze = lon - tsay
buon = bwone
compagnon = kome - pah - nyone (rhymes with bone)

Second verse:
Che = kay
de = day
bon = bone
foller = rhymes with "holler"
greco_e capon = gray-kway cah pone

Third verse:
(be)cazze = (bay - ) cot - tsay
cazzar = cot - tsar
rognon = roh - nyone

Fourth verse:
razon = rah - sone
Petrarcha = Pay - trahr - kah
d'Helicon = day - lee - cone

Fifth verse:
ficcar = feek - car
Urtar = oor - tar